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  • All of our equipment comes with a 2-month carry-in warranty!
  • We always have the coffee ready for you

Exhaust motors

In a catering establishment, an efficient extraction system is very important. It not only ensures a clean and odor-free environment in the kitchen, but also contributes to the safety and comfort of your employees and guests. The extraction motor plays a central role in this, which is why it is important to make the right choice. On this page, we’ll tell you more about the importance of a high-quality extraction motor for your catering establishment. We discuss why a good extraction motor is essential and how it affects the overall performance of your extraction system. We also explore the different types of extraction motors available in the hospitality industry and offer advice on choosing the right extraction motor for your specific needs. Whether you are looking for advice on maintenance, information on new extractor motors or are considering purchasing a used extractor motor, here you will find all the information you need to make informed decisions for your kitchen.

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